Raising money with WEROW

We are working with two Nigerian women trafficked to Sharjah for sexual exploitation. Both cases are heartbreaking and the COVID lockdown has been particularly harsh for them. Both have survived by begging and with charity from local mosques.

One of the women, Joy was trafficked to the UAE in 2016. She went to work as a chef in Dubai but on arrival was taken to an illegal private drinking club in Sharjah. There her passport was taken away and she was housed in a room with 8 other Nigerian women, one just 15 years old. Subsequently, Jennifer was put to work servicing men with sex and cleaning the club.

After four years in March 2020 Joy escaped when her trafficker returned to Nigeria to give birth leaving her husband to manage the club.  After being asked to take the rubbish out, Joy gathered her things in a rubbish bag and fled, taking only her mobile and one change of clothes. Since this time she has been living on the streets by begging. She is constantly bleeding as a result of the injuries she sustained servicing, by her estimation, 850 men.

The second girl Mercy has a similar story and was also trafficked to Sharja. She fled to Dubai where by chance she met another man from her village who took her in. She has been in hiding since the beginning of the coronavirus, supported by a small stipend from Stop Trafficking Africa and food donations from the local mosque.

Stope Trafficking Afrcia has compiled detailed de-brief notes from Joy and Mercy which have been sent to NAPTIP in Benin City. NAPTIP has already opened cases and we are optimistic that armed with the detailed information we have supplied, they will apprehend the traffickers very soon.

Nigerian Joy, trafficked to the UAE, appeals for help after 4 years of sexual exploitation

We are partnering with rowing brand, WEROW to raise money for Mercy and Joy’s fines, paperwork and flights. We need to raise a total of £1,200 and WEROW has generously agreed to give 100% of the sale proceeds to the Send Them Home campaign.

If you can support the campaign please head to Amazon.co.uk and search for WEROW.