Lucrative jobs for Nigerians in the United Arab Emirates?
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a fabulously wealthy country set up for business, travel and high-end tourism. The number of Arabs resident in the country is relatively small compared to the foreign labour that actually does the work. For this reason, Dubai is an easy trafficking destination with lots of temporary and short term service work available.
The UAE is a federation of seven emirates in the Middle East, 3,600 miles east of Lagos, roughly 8 hours flying time. The UAE consists of 7 emirates or regions:- the capital Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm Al Quwain
In order to work in the UAE you need a sponsor who will obtain your vias. This is usually a company or a travel agent based in the UAE. Where women are being trafficked for sex these companies are usually not genuine and the agents are part of the network. With the volume of labour entering and leaving the UAE, it’s easy to hide women trafficked for sex.

Traffickers exploit a push-pull phenomenon – the push of poverty and lack of opportunity in Nigeria and the pull of attractive salaries and a first-world environment in the UAE. This makes it a popular destination for Nigerians looking to earn a living abroad and support their families back home. However, not all job opportunities are equal so we have set out some signs to watch for when you are considering making the move.
Signs to watch out for when considering taking a job in United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- Overpromising – Generally, traffickers will over-promise what you can expect for the life you are about to enter. They will be posting glamorous outings to shopping malls on their social accounts and they will stuff their WhatsApp stories with bubbly, feminine, fashion-orientated images. This is a well-curated story and its a trap.
- WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram – legitimate companies and employment agencies in the UAE do not recruit using these tools. They use websites, they have email addresses usually ending in .ae or etc and not Gmail or Yahoo addresses.
- Friends of friends – traffickers work through networks and victims are often introduced to agents locally through friends of the family, friends of friends or other people, sometimes in a position of trust, like pastors.
- They don’t ask you questions or give information – traffickers are short on information and verifiable facts. They are creating an enticing story for you that does not stand up to testing scrutiny. They will not normally ask about your skills but will focus more on your physical appearance and ask may intimate questions.
- They are all in it – probably your potential trafficker’s network extends all the way through your community, through your family, pastors and officials. Many women are trafficked by their own families who may also have been tricked, in debt or just greedy.
- Oathes – you are asked to swear an oath or take part in a ritual to seal a deal and commit you and your family to the enterprise.
- You don’t quite trust what they are saying – the trafficker promises a lot and can supply few details. Trust your gut and if there is even the slightest doubt you are almost certainly right.