New website and an update

Yippee! We hit our target of £10,000 – thank you to our amazing donors for sharing our vision with action and thank you to the BBC for getting behind us.  

We have now launched our website at as a resource for Nigerian women trafficked to Dubai for sex. We’re still adding to the resources page but the site is being crawled by Google and all of the major organisations in Nigeria and Dubai have been informed of its existence with an invitation to contribute advice and best practices. We are also on Twitter at @sthNigeria as this is a useful way to connect with victims parents and family, media and NGO’s.

Send Them Home on Twitter

On the ground, we are in sporadic touch with some of the women but life has been made harder by our BBC success. The UAE government is very sensitive to foreigners assisting with charity and voluntary work in Dubai. For this reason, we are seeking clarification from the Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities Department in Dubai as to our ability to return to the UAE. We also await clarification from the Nigerian Consulate on the procedure for assisting women who have had their passports removed by their madames and need to obtain Emergency Travel Documents.

Thanks again for your support!