Nigerian sex trafficking documentaries

The Dark Side of Dubai features testimony from sex trafficking survivors rescued by Stop Trafficking Africa and interviews with the Director General of NAPTIP Nigeria, Professor Fatim Waziri-Azi and Angus Thomas, founder of the Hope Education Project, Ghana.

BBC Africa Eye uncovered an illegal network that lures women to India from Africa, where they are then forced into sex work to satisfy the demands of the many African men living in Delhi.

Four girls, same story, different experiences. They were trafficked to Libya. They told Plus TV Africa’s Amaka Okoye their stories of pain and horror.

In the first three months of 2016 alone 3,600 Nigerian women arrived in Italy. It is estimated 80% of them were brought by traffickers to work as prostitutes. ITV News Presenter Julie Etchingham met some of the women caught up in this awful trade.

The Send Them Home BBC News publicity

BBC South interview us for the Stop Trafficking Africa campaign February 20th, 2020

Victoria Derbyshire discusses sex trafficking to Dubia on the Victoria Derbyshire Show on BBC 2 for the Stop Trafficking Africa on Februay 20th, 2020

Andrew Peach interviews us on BBC Radio Berkshire on February 21st for the Stop Trafficking Africa.

We spoke to Amaka Okoye of Plus TV Africa News about our campaign to rescue and repatriate Nigerian women trafficked to Dubai for sex on March 4, 2020